Secondary Title

worship schedule

All services are available in person and livestream

Sunday School - 9:30a

Sunday Morning Worship - 10:30a

Sunday Evening Worship - 6p

Wednesday Evening/Youth Worship - 7p

*Sound amplification devices or an ASL interpreter are available for the deaf or hard of hearing at all services.

Wecome to Worship

Welcome!  We're so glad you're here!

Victory Baptist is a place where all are invited in to discover who God is, and the purpose He has for all of us in His story.  This is a place where people from all different walks of life can come and have their lives enriched by the power and grace that only God can provide.  "Building families by the Book" is our aim, and we do that through building genuine relationships with one another, through authentic worship, through compassionate service to others, and then finally, through biblical teaching and preaching.

Victory enjoys a graded approach to ministering; offering age-specific care, biblical teaching, and worship, enabling all who attend to worship without distraction, knowing that their little ones, from infant and up, are well-cared for, being placed in an engaging, appropriate, program with screened and qualified care-givers and teachers.

The Gospels tell us that the Word of God is truth, and that it is the truth that makes us free.  So if you and your family are looking for a place where your life can be enriched by the power and grace of God, we hope that you would come by and visit soon!