• Ladies Bible Study

    Ladies, join our 6 week summer Bible study, Praying through the Psalms on Tuesday nights at 6:30pm beginning June 25. This book, written by Lynn Squire, can be purchased in the VBC Bookstore for $7. Please see Patti Catuto for more information.

  • Kids Quest - Summer Wednesday Night Program

    Kids Quest is our Wednesday night program for kids this summer! Kids Quest meets June 19 through August 7. This will be a great night of Bible lessons, games, snacks and more!

  • Embrace Grace

    Embrace Grace meets on Tuesdays at 12:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall beginning August 6th and is here to serve and support single moms in our community. Ladies who complete the 12-week course are celebrated with a baby shower! Contact Kim Horton at 817.688.3460 or kimdh0102@sbcglobal.net to find out more!

    Click here to sign up for this fall semester of Embrace Grace at Victory!
  • Women of Grace Pool Party

    Women of Grace would like to invite all ladies to a pool party at the home of MaryAnn Wooldridge on Friday, August 2 at 6:30pm. Bring a friend and your favorite snack to share! 

  • Center of hope donations

    In July we will collect cereal, peanut butter, jelly/jam, & canned mixed vegetables for the Center of Hope. Please place donations in the bin in the lower foyer.

  • Women of Grace 2024 Volunteer sign up

    The 2024 Women of Grace calendar is finished and ready for volunteers! The ladies of Victory would love to work with you in preparing for and running these events. Both small and large jobs are available. Please sign up in the lower foyer!  Click here to see the 2024 Calendar.

  • Victory Youth

    Victory’s youth group is a vital part of the VBC family. Teens meet in the Warehouse for Sunday School at 9:30am and on Wednesday evenings at 7pm.

  • Grief Share

    Grief Share meets Monday nights from 6:30-8:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. This free, 13 week program is led by Mary Ann Wooldridge. 

  • Men of Valor

    The next Men of Valor meets Saturday, August 17 at 6pm in the Fellowship Hall. Sign up here for the taco bar, chips/salsa and dessert with special speaker Chris Jones.

  • kids 4 truth - Returns in August

    Kids 4 Truth Registration will be on Wednesday, July 17 during Family Nights on the Patio. Registration forms were emailed to parents who registered last year. All new and returning students in pre-k - 6th grade for the 2024-2025 school year are encouraged to register that night. Truth Books can be purchased with cash or check at registration. Please see Cody or Autumn Nelson with any questions.

  • Women of Virtue Ladies' Retreat

    Our fall ladies' retreat, Golden - A Study on the Book of Job, is September 26-28. Click here to register for this wonderful time of fellowship and encouragement with your sisters in Christ!

  • Reconnect Marriage Retreat

    All couples are invited to the Reconnect Marriage Retreat in Grapevine, TX on November 1-2, 2024. Dean and Michelle Miller are the special speakers. Register here to reserve your spot.