• Christmas Events

    Join us for our Christmas events this December as we celebrate The Wonder of Christmas! Click on the following link for the full schedule. VBC_Christmas_Upcoming_Events_24.001.jpeg

  • Center of hope donations

    In December we are collecting any type of canned fruit for the Center of Hope. Please place donations in the bin in the lower foyer.

  • Embrace Grace

    Embrace Grace meets weekly and is designed to serve and support single moms of unborn children in our community. Ladies who complete the 12-week course are celebrated with a baby shower! Contact Kim Horton at 817.688.3460 or kimdh0102@sbcglobal.net to find out more!

  • Victory Youth

    Victory’s youth group is a vital part of the VBC family. Teens meet in the Warehouse for Sunday School at 9:30am and on Wednesday evenings at 7pm.

  • Grief Share

    Grief Share meets Monday nights from 6:30-8:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. This free, 13 week program is led by Mary Ann Wooldridge. 

  • kids 4 truth

    Kids 4 Truth meets from 6:30-8pm in the gym. This program is for students in PreK4-6th grade for the coming school. We are excited for another amazing year of fun and learning God’s Word!

  • Men of Valor

    The next Men of Valor will meet in 2025